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Entertain or Educate: The Only Two Ways to Promote Your Music

Entertain or Educate - Two Ways to Promote Your Music Online

Getting your music out there is just as crucial as crafting that perfect beat, hook, chorus, or verse. If you are an independent music artist and want to promote your music, you have two main choices: entertain or inform. These principles should guide every piece of content you create to promote your music.

Here’s why:

You Have Two Seconds

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed. What makes you stop and watch a video or click on a post? Most people are bombarded with content all day long, so their attention spans have shrunk to a few seconds. This is especially true for emerging artists who are trying to grab attention among a sea of established acts.

If you don’t entertain or inform your audience within the first two seconds, they’ll scroll past you, no matter how brilliant your music is. It’s brutal but true! So, next, let’s expand this music promotion approach and see how you can effectively apply these principles.

“Entertain or Inform”

When promoting your music on your social networks, every piece of content needs to achieve one of two goals: either entertain or inform. Anything less than that will cause you to lose your audience before they even hear your track.

1. Entertain

Let’s be real: as a new artist, it’s difficult to rely on the fact that people will enjoy your music solely for the sound. They don’t know you yet, so you’ve got to hook them visually, emotionally, or with sheer charisma. Entertaining content grabs attention fast and makes people stay.

Your video doesn’t have to be expensive, but it should stand out. Think of using effects, storytelling, or even humor to keep people interested. Show your personality, your creative process, or fun moments in the studio. Humanizing yourself can be entertaining and make people more invested in your journey.

TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts thrive on trends. Jumping on a trending topic, meme, or challenge can help you piggyback off existing audience attention.

2. Inform

If you don’t think you can entertain, don’t worry, educating your audience is just as powerful. This is an opportunity to show depth, knowledge, or behind-the-scenes content that enhances your artistry. Informing content helps build trust and a deeper connection with your audience.

To engage your audience effectively, start by breaking down your song, sharing what inspired it, its meaning, or even the technical process behind its creation. People enjoy understanding the “why” behind the music, which can lead to a deeper appreciation of your work.

Additionally, offering value through music tips, gear reviews, or industry insights can attract fellow musicians or fans, helping you build a loyal audience. Lastly, create a strong narrative around your brand by sharing your personal story, background, and goals. This approach can transform casual listeners into dedicated fans.

Combine the Two for Maximum Impact

The magic happens when you combine entertainment and information. Consider major artists like Billie Eilish, whose quirky personality entertains while interviews and behind-the-scenes content inform. This dual approach turns casual listeners into fans who enjoy the music and feel connected to the artist.


Imagine you’re releasing a new single. You can:

  1. Entertain: Post a visually creative teaser video on Instagram showing exciting clips from your music video.
  2. Inform: Follow up with a post breaking down the meaning behind the song, why you wrote it, and your creative process.

You’re capturing both attention and interest by offering entertainment and insight.

Practical Tips

TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and even Facebook all have different audiences. A short, entertaining clip might do wonders on TikTok, while a longer, informative post might perform better on YouTube. Whether you’re entertaining or informing, consistency is key.

Keep posting content, even when it feels like no one’s watching. The more you show up, the more likely you’ll grab attention. Pay attention to what kind of content works best for you. If people skip your “entertaining” videos but comment on your informative posts, adjust accordingly.

Choose and Commit

The “entertain or inform” principle is a game changer for any independent artist. If you can entertain people, you’ll keep their attention long enough for them to listen to your music. If you can inform them, you’ll build trust and a deeper connection, leading to long-term support. The key is to choose a direction and commit to it—don’t be lukewarm, or your audience will move on.

So the next time you create content to promote your music, ask yourself: Is this entertaining or informative? If it’s neither, rethink your approach. Your music deserves to be heard, but to get there, you have to earn your audience’s attention first.

Action Step: Next time you promote a song or album, post one piece of entertaining and informative content. See which resonates more with your audience, and refine your strategy.

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